

Caroline Mohr

Caroline Mohr inspires global organisations with her story about resilience and inner strength when facing adversity.

In 2011, Caroline survived a severe earthquake in the middle of her professional golfing career, only to be diagnosed with cancer weeks later. While on her way to top golfing leagues, she was forced to amputate her right leg.

This didn’t stop her from reaching her dreams. Just two months later, she was competing.

Caroline is now a Speaker and Life Coach specialising in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). She was awarded “The Breakthrough Lecturer of the Year, 2016” and in 2018 was listed as one of the top ten speakers in Sweden. She was European and World champion in paragolf. She is an ambassador for the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, and a school sponsor in South Africa. Caroline has been recognised by the Royal King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

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